Satish Udpa

Satish  Udpa
  • University Distinguished Professor
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
  • PhD, Electrical Engineering, Colorado State University
  • MS, Electrical Engineering, Colorado State University
  • BS, Electrical Engineering, J.N.T. University, India
  • 428 South Shaw Lane, Room 1416
  • Engineering Building
  • East Lansing, MI 48824
  • 517.353.2505


Nondestructive Evaluation Lab (NDE)

Personal Website

Current Research

Satish Udpa is the interim director of MSU Mobility and a University Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. His previous leadership roles at MSU have included acting president, vice president for administrative services and dean of the College of Engineering. His research interests span the broad area of materials characterization and nondestructive evaluation (NDE). His work includes an extensive repertoire of forward models for simulating physical processes underlying several inspection techniques. Coupled with careful experimental work, such forward models can be used for designing new sensors, optimizing test conditions, estimating the probability of detection, assessing designs for inspectability and training inverse models for characterizing defects. As Mobility Director, he has championed major initiatives that have transformed the campus into a test bed for studying the performance of autonomous vehicles. He is also one of the lead investigators on selected large mobility related research projects.


  • Nondestructive evaluation
  • Campus mobility