Betty H.C. Cheng
College of Engineering
Computer Science and Engineering
- Professor
- Computer Science and Engineering
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BEACON Science and Technology Center:
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Current Research
Betty H.C. Cheng is a professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Michigan State University. She is also the Industrial Relations Manager and senior researcher for BEACON, the National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center in the area of Evolution in Action. Her research interests include self-adaptive autonomous systems, requirements engineering, model-driven engineering, automated software engineering, and harnessing evolutionary computation and search-based techniques to address software engineering problems. These research areas are used to support the development of high-assurance autonomous systems that must continuously deliver acceptable behavior, even in the face of environmental and system uncertainty. Example applications include intelligent transportation and vehicle systems. She collaborates extensively with industrial partners in her research projects and class projects in order to facilitate technology exchange between academia and industry. Her collaborators include Ford, General Motors, ZF, and Aerospace Corporation. Previously, she was awarded a NASA/JPL Faculty Fellowship to investigate the use of new software engineering techniques for a portion of the NASA space shuttle software. She has multidisciplinary and international collaborations in the areas of model-driven approaches to sustainability, cyber security for automotive systems, and feature interaction detection and mitigation for autonomic systems. Her research has been funded by several federal funding agencies, including NSF, AFRL, ONR, DARPA, NASA, ARO, and numerous industrial organizations.
- Autonomous systems
- Trusted AI Systems
- High-assurance Cyberphysical Systems
- Automotive Cybersecurity
- Requirements engineering
- Model-driven engineering
- Evolutionary computing and search-based software engineering